Author Patti Digh once said that “the shortest distance between two people is a story.” In an increasingly divided world, we need these stories to connect, heal, and inspire us.
This is the promise of Inspired Generosity.
Shared stories of Inspired Generosity will provide a living showcase of powerful stories from the Muslim American community—spotlighting tales of spirituality driving good works. From this living showcase of digital stories, a curated display will serve in a touring exhibit.
Inspired Generosity is more than just a platform for storytelling; it’s an opportunity to bridge the gap between institutional philanthropy and the Muslim American community. You can share your story in a variety of ways.
By partnering with Inspired Generosity, you are not just part of a project but a broader movement towards a more inclusive and empathetic society.
Your experiences of generosity and compassion are inspiring. Share your story with us and join a community celebrating the impactful ways faith and kindness transform lives.
Submit by May 15, 2024 to be considered for the Atlanta showcase.